Terms of use

Information about the privacy policy of the campsite and the protection of your personal data.

This section provides the necessary information to clearly understand your rights regarding the processing of your own and your children’s personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU 2016/679.

A. Categories of Personal Data:

Our camp processes (i.e. collects, retains, and uses) the following categories of personal data:

1) Your child’s identification information (full name, father’s name, mother’s name, home address, etc.).
2) Your identification and contact information (full name, father’s name, mother’s name, home address, phone numbers, email address) as well as information required for the issuance of legal documents (tax identification number, tax office, profession).

3) Information for the camp doctor to maintain your child’s Individual Health Record.
4) Photos and/or videos of your child participating in camp activities, provided that you have given your consent.

B. Purposes of data processing:

1) Registering your child in our camps. The legal basis for the above processing is compliance with the applicable legislation, as well as the execution of the contract between us.

2) Issuing the required documentation in accordance with the applicable legislation, which requires the collection of your personal data and tax identification number (TIN) for the issuance of a legal document and their retention for a specific period of time along with their transmission to the competent authorities.

3) Supervising the children and the facilities of the camp, collecting payments or addressing any claims.

4) Communicating with you about matters concerning your children and informing you about our activities, with newsletters sent to you by regular or electronic mail or by a short message service (SMS) and social media, in order to inform you about activities taking place within the camp and to respond to our obligation of care for your child.

5) Use of visual and audiovisual material (photos, videos) of you as memorabilia and promotion of the actions organized and implemented by the camp, provided that you have given your consent for this.

C. Recipients of personal data:
The processing is limited within the camp and personal data will be available exclusively to our administrative staff, who are bound by confidentiality obligations.

The recipients of the data are:

(a) Public authorities,

(b) Judicial and prosecuting authorities in case of claims or criminal acts,

(c) Entities with which the camp collaborates on a case-by-case basis within the framework of its activities,

(d) external partners of the camp, such as bus drivers and chaperones, photographers, printers and editors of commemorative publications, nursing staff, lawyers, etc., who are bound by confidentiality obligations, and only to the extent required for the execution of their specific duties.

D. Retention period of personal data:

The above personal data will be retained for the time period specified for each of them in the applicable legislation and, in case of claims, for as long as necessary for their final resolution.
Your contact information will be retained for the purpose of informing and communicating with you about the camp’s activities, unless the right to object is exercised, as referred to in the following section.
Visual and audio material (photos/videos) of your child will be kept for five (5) years from the date of capture, unless you revoke your consent earlier, which is provided in a separate field below, in which case they will be deleted immediately. Photos/videos on the website and social media of the camps may remain published for a period of no more than five years.

Ε. Parent/Guardian rights:

You may exercise the following rights at any time by making a written request:

(1) Right of access, meaning you can find out whether personal data concerning you and your child is being processed, obtain copies of such data, and any other information regarding the processing being carried out.

(2) Right to correction and completion of inaccurate or incomplete data.

(3) Right to data portability for data that we process based on a contract, the law, or consent.

(4) Right to request the erasure or restriction of processing of your data.

(5) Right to object to receiving updates via regular mail, email, or SMS so that we can stop sending updates.

(6) Right to object to the transmission of data to the insurance companies with which we provide liability and health insurance. In this case, if you exercise your right to object, we will weigh whether the reasons you invoke, which must relate to your particular situation, outweigh the interests of the camp in the transmission, which primarily stem from our obligation to ensure the duty of care we owe while your children are in our facilities, as well as whether there are alternative ways of achieving this.

(7) ΔRight to object to the transfer of data to third parties for judicial use, which may be transferred provided that their granting is necessary and appropriate to support the rights of the (third party) before judicial authorities.

(8) Right to withdraw, at any time, the consent you have given for the processing of a photo/video featuring your child.

Additionally, if you believe that your personal data or your child’s personal data is being infringed in any way, you can submit a complaint at any time to the Hellenic Data Protection Authority (www.dpa.gr). (www.dpa.gr).

Statement of Consent

Having been informed of the above, I hereby give my unconditional consent for all the purposes referred to in paragraph (B) of this document, concerning the lawful participation of my child in the camp, as well as for the processing of my personal data and that of my child, which I indicate below:

1. For my information regarding the annual start of the camp’s operation.

2. For my information regarding offers from the camp and third-party collaborating agencies and businesses.

3. I responsibly declare that I allow the posting of photos or videos of activities of the camp in which my child may appear, on the website of the camp www.rodea.gr, on profiles maintained by the camp on social media (Facebook, Instagram) in promotional material for the promotion of the actions organized and implemented by the camp.

4. I responsibly declare that I allow the provision of photographs or videos from camp activities in which my child may appear to the camp participants as souvenirs.

Each of the above consents applies to every subsequent transactional relationship I have with the camp, and until its termination or revocation. Revocation of any of the above consents can be made with a relevant statement to the camp and is valid for the future.
